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Upcoming: 26-28 July 2024
Gyula Várnai and László Százados

Series of talks and exhibitions 2024/2025

From Halle to Hungary
and back in 40 years

A project by artist and curator Eike Berg. Once a month, he invites an artist with whom he has worked or exhibited in the past 40 years to exhibit together now for a weekend. The guests presents a selection of current and earlier works, while Berg shows a work from the period of their first encounter.

The presentation will open with a three-way art talk where the artists will be joined by an expert from the art world. The exchange of ideas will take place in an informal atmosphere with guests invited, and will be documented online in a video stream. The discussions address artistic positions and shared experiences.

The memories of 40 years open a rich panorama of the Central European art scene across several countries in the decades before and after the fall of the Berlin Wall and around the turn of the millennium.

Eike Berg was born in Halle/Saale in 1966 and spent his youth there. Since 1984, he has spent successive stages of his life in Braunschweig, Budapest and Freising near Munich. After 40 years, he returned to Halle (Saale) with his artistic work.


With many thanks for the friendly support

Collegium Hungaricum Berlin |
Werkleitz |
Art of Care Brussels | Facebook: artofcarebrussels




One art talk and pop-up exhibition are planned every month. The current programme will be continously announced on this website. I will also be happy to inform you about the current programme via newsletter, please send a short message to the e-mail address: malh(at)

Guests from Hungary, Germany and other countries will be invited throughout the year. The dialogue will be held in German, English or Hungarian, depending on the participants, and will be translated into German on site and into the other two languages in the video stream.



26-28 July 2024: László Százados, Gyula Várnai and Eike Berg

26 July 2024, Friday 7 pm
László Százados in conversation with Gyula Várnai and Eike Berg

in Hungarian with German translation - participation after prior registration

27-28 July 2024, Sat-Sun 11 am - 6 pm
Exhibition with art works by Gyula Várnai and Eike Berg

Visit by appointment

Gyula Várnai and Eike Berg met on the occasion of a joint exhibition at the Stúdió Gallery in Budapest in 1993. Since then, they have been in close contact and have carried out numerous joint projects. Várnai represented Hungary at the Venice Biennale in 2017. In their work, both artists deal with the interface between technology, science, art and perception.

The art historian László Százados has been working at the Hungarian National Gallery since 1988 and has since made a name for himself as a curator of numerous exhibitions. The focus of the joint discussion will be a look back at the development of the Hungarian art scene after the fall of communism in the 1990s, the artistic positions and the significance of media art today.

  more information       arrowback


14 June 2024, Friday, 7 pm
Zsolt Kozma in conversation with Alexandra Dementieva and Eike Berg
15 - 16 June 2014, Saturday-Sunday 11 am - 7 pm
Exhibition with art works by Alexandra Dementieva and Eike Berg
  more information

12 April 2024, Friday, 7 pm
Andreas Kühne in conversation with Peter Pohl and Eike Berg
13 - 14 April 2014, Saturday-Sunday 11 am - 7 pm
Exhibition with art works by Peter Pohl and Eike Berg
  more information




Earlier talks with Eike Berg:

with Balázs Kulcsár (Part 1 above in English: I spent my most important 20 years in Budapest, 30'15" / Part 2 below in Hungarian: I like bringing people together, 28'15") in Paris-Budapest-Metro on the occasion of the exhibition Dark Side of Utopia together with Alexandra Dementieva in the art space Streetview Anderlecht in Brussels in 2023

with the art historian Michael Stoeber (in German, 57'58") in the Künstlerhaus Göttingen on the occasion of the exhibition SHIFT | Fear and Curiosity in 2022; with many thanks to Peter Bothe for camera and editing


English   arrowMagyarul   arrowDeutsch

Media Art Loft Halle (MALH) is a space for contemporary art with a focus on media art and discourse. A pop-up gallery and art salon, it was launched by Eike Berg at the end of 2023.

E: malh(at)
T: +49 (0) 176 8454 2324
Instagram: eike4art
Facebook: Eike Berg

Visit by appointment:
Große Ulrichstraße 48
06108 Halle (Saale), Germany

Programme | 26-28 July 2024